Online Casino Roulette Algorithm

Random Number Generators have been widely used in the development of virtual casino games and are preferred in many live dealer games, as well. But are they capable of actually making a game fair, could they be rigged by casinos and is there a way to beat RNG roulette? This article focuses on the importance of RNG and explains why it is applied in practically all virtual casino games.

Yes, All you have to do is lookup the patents on them. They are listed as slot machines and actually claim that they can control the payoff percentages. They have targeting algorithms that have nothing to do with a fair randomness. Don’t believe m.

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Online Casino Roulette Algorithm
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  1. Feature-Rich & Comprehensive Roulette Prediction Software. GammaStack is known in the online casino industry for offering top of the line online casino software development solutions and services. Our pioneering and exclusive approach sets up apart from others in the industry. Our Roulette prediction software is an exclusive solution that can.
  2. Everytime you place a bet in a casino table game, a dice match, roulette, poker or even in the slot machines, the first thing the casino does is to generate a random number. This number then means something to your game. If you are playing slots, the PRNG will give a number which will “decode” into a slot prize sequence.
  3. Roulette Algorithm Calculator – (Evolution Gaming Live Roulette) This tool is created for live roulette. It analyzes the logarithm and speed of the wheel giving you the recommended prediction in 1,5 seconds. Its developed for online live roulette where the betting time is only 15-20 seconds, but you can use it at your local land based casino.

What Is a Random Number Generator?

As its name suggests, the Random Number Generator or RNG is a complex algorithm that generates random numbers. It is added to virtually all video games that require randomness in one form or another. There are various hardware and software RNGs, and such devices are used in cryptography, computer simulations, statistical sampling, etc.

Psuedo RNG

True RNG

To demonstrate why randomness is essential in providing a fair result, we could look at the roll of a dice or the flipping of a coin – we can never predict the outcome in these situations, which is why they are considered truly random and fair. True RNG systems always use some sort of mechanical device or physical phenomena to guarantee unpredictability. Although they are preferred and applied where possible, they are much more complex and rare due to their physical aspect.

Psuedo RNG

The most commonly used RNG systems are, in fact, pseudorandom number generators – they produce results that only seem random but are actually deterministic. Unlike true RNG, pseudo RNG typically operates through a computational algorithm that generates long sequences of apparently random numbers. These sequences, however, are based on a much shorter initial key, called a seed value.

Once the seed value is known, each long sequence can be reproduced. As we can see, this pseudo RNG cannot be regarded as a producer of truly random results. However, its use brings enough randomness and unpredictability to guarantee the reliability of crucially important systems such as modern computer encryption for security purposes.

RNG Manipulation in Games

Some casino players believe that since RNG (pseudo RNG, of course) is fundamentally a mathematical algorithm, it can be manipulated by casinos to gain an unfair advantage over patrons. We should not forget, however, that the house always has the advantage when it comes to gambling – in roulette, the theoretical house edge is 2.70% for European rules and 5.26% for American rules.

This clearly demonstrates that casinos do not need to manipulate the RNG in games to secure their income – the rules and payouts already guarantee that even if there are some very lucky players, the casino will eventually make a profit. The house edge provides gambling establishments with a long-term advantage over their patrons. This is why reputable, licensed online casinos use independently tested RNG and players can rest assured the games they play are completely fair.

Some gamblers believe that they can manipulate the RNG and secure their profits but this is not possible unless they have access to the code of the game. Others think that after observing the algorithm in a particular version of roulette, they can spot a pattern and use it to predict future outcomes. But this is also a misconception – guessing the seed value for the number sequences cannot be done unless we monitor millions of hours of play, which is, of course, unrealistic.

How and Why Do Casinos Apply RNG to Online Roulette?

1Mechanism of RNG Roulette

In virtual roulette, the wheel and the table are simply computer generated images designed to create a realistic casino look. The RNG algorithm, however, determines which number will win and the spinning of the wheel is simply a nice animation that has anything to do with the number that comes up.

In fact, the RNG constantly produces numbers while the player is placing bets, adjusting the bet size, etc. The algorithm works even if no one is playing. Once the Spin button is pressed, the RNG instantly generates the winning number and the wheel simulation is triggered. The number is displayed on the screen after the wheel stops moving. This creates an authentic look to the game.

Many live dealer roulette games also use RNG systems for determining the winning numbers. Instead of relying on mechanical wheels, which are prone to wear and tear, providers of live casino software switch to automated, RNG-based wheels. Of course, the game may still be hosted by a croupier who rather than spinning the wheel and tossing the ball is only responsible for announcing the winning numbers and acknowledging the winning bets.

Online Casino Roulette Algorithm

2The Concept of Randomness

There are various misconceptions regarding the results produced by RNG roulette. Some players have difficulty understanding the concept of randomness in these games since they use software-based pseudo RNG. It is sometimes believed that the computer repeats the winning numbers over a certain period of time – for instance, the 7 will be hit at least once in 50 or 100 spins or that the 7 is “due” to win after a given number of spins.

Another example is that the gaming software repeats a sequence of numbers, so if we have 5, 13, 7, 28, 6, and 31, after a while, we may notice the same numbers being hit in the same order. The concept of hot and cold numbers is even more popular among players – hot numbers are those numbers that come up often, while cold numbers are numbers that have not been hit in a while.

In reality, RNG-based games do not produce predictable patterns or repeating sequences of numbers. If players do notice that certain numbers come out in any order, this is pure coincidence. Every one of the 37 numbers in a single-zero roulette is equally likely to be hit in each spin and has a probability of exactly 1/37 or 0.02702702702. This means that the 7 may be hit 10 times in a row. It also means that the 7 may not be hit even after 100 spins of the wheel.

How To Play Casino Roulette

Benefits of Playing RNG Roulette

Nowadays, online casinos offer a wide selection of games and most of them, including some live dealer games, rely on RNG. Random number generators are crucial for creating a gaming experience that is as close to the real one as possible. Although these pieces of software do not produce “true” randomness, they guarantee that the game is fair and the results are not rigged or manipulated in any way.

The Convenience of Virtual Games

Fair Gaming

Nowadays, RNG is widely used in online games and in slot machines, video poker, or any other automated type of physical casino game. This was not the case, however, only a couple of decades ago when many of the games operated on different principles – slot machines, for instance, were designed to give the jackpot once in, let’s say, three months or six months. Other systems were engineered in such a way that jackpot amounts could be hit only after a certain number of rounds have been played.

But the majority of gaming machines and online games today are controlled by RNG, which guarantees that they are completely fair. While older programming and systems for paying out could be exploited by casino staff and players, the newer RNG-based software is regularly audited, with tests being performed by third-party companies. All respectable online casinos use RNG that has been certified and proven to be fair with thousands of simulations.

The Convenience of Virtual Games

Another benefit of playing RNG roulette compared to live roulette games is the convenience and variety of virtual variations. There are certain live tables with RNG-controlled wheels but most of the time, live games use mechanical wheels, real casino settings (or a TV studio), and a live human croupier. Live games come with their limitations, however.

For instance, players cannot choose the pace of the game and usually, they have up to 30 seconds to choose the preferred numbers and place their bets. There are no options such as Quick Spin or Autoplay and the game is controlled by the casino rather than the patrons. When it comes to virtual games that rely fully on RNG, players can customize the game in many different ways – change the color and design of the table, skip or play the wheel visualization, trigger Turbo Mode or Autoplay, etc.

The variety of RNG roulette games is also much greater than live versions. After all, the virtual nature of these games gives developers the freedom to create many innovative variations of the classic game such as Double Ball Roulette, Mini Roulette, Multi-Wheel Roulette, etc. RNG games also feature wider betting limits and, often, more liberal games.

Can You Beat RNG Roulette?

Many people have tried to prove that random number generators are flawed and open to manipulation. There are multiple websites, roulette guides, and books that promise to give you a method to beat the RNG. Furthermore, there are computer programs and bots that collect huge amounts of data from thousands of played rounds. The data is then analyzed to find patterns, flaws or certain sequences of numbers that can be used to make predictions.

All this may sound quite appealing to players who wish to find a way to beat casinos in their own game but, of course, it is unrealistic. Since RNG uses an algorithm and a seed value, it is impossible to identify any model. The results from it are, indeed, almost random and practically unpredictable.

The best way to play RNG roulette is simply to know the rules of the game and to apply a good, effective strategy such as making only even bets, avoiding bets that are highly unlikely to win, etc. Money management is just as important – players should always adjust the size of their bets based on their bankroll and risk tolerance. Overall, they should just enjoy virtual, RNG-based roulette games just like they would enjoy a real-life game in a land-based casino environment.

Ever since it was first introduced in 18th-century France, roulette has been an inseparable part of brick-and-mortar casinos and is the game many people associate gambling with. The game of roulette was allegedly invented by French inventor and mathematician Blaise Pascal while he was attempting to create a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century. This was followed by the introduction of the game across Europe and roulette quickly established itself as a favourite among the aristocracy at the Continent. The game travelled across the ocean to reach the New World where an important change was introduced to the wheel – the addition of the zero pocket which nearly doubled its house edge.

A couple of centuries later, roulette continues to enjoy a status of one of the most iconic casino games in the world and has made it onto the catalogues of hundreds of online casinos. Online roulette variations are indeed impressive in terms of authenticity but many players are put off by the fact they cannot see a physical ball spinning across a physical wheel. This causes them to question the fairness of online roulette games. Many ask themselves the question “Is online roulette rigged or is it indeed random like it is supposed to be?”. If you are one of these players, read on to find the answers to your questions and understand how online roulette actually works.

The Randomness of Results in Roulette

One of the key traits of roulette is that it is subject to the so-called law of independent trials. This is not the case with other iconic casino games like blackjack where each hand you play (as well as your decisions how to play it) affects the outcome of subsequent hands. For instance, imagine you are dealt two Aces in a single-deck game. The chances of receiving another Ace if you hit are somehow reduced by the fact you are already holding two out of four Aces.

This, however, is not the case in roulette where all outcomes are actually independent of one another. This means that each outcome is neither affected by previous results nor does it influence any results that follow. That is to say, there is no way for players to obtain any handy information from previous spins that would enable them to predict correctly the results on subsequent spins.

The randomness of outcomes in landbased roulette results from the random arrangement of the numbers on the wheel, which are not ordered sequentially. Such is the case in online roulette as well. The conclusion is that each of the 37 numbers on a European roulette wheel has equal chances of being spun as the rest. The odds of hitting any individual number would always be 36 to 1 as there are 36 ways to lose the bet and only a single number which guarantees a win. Similarly, if you have won with Black on the last round, the probability of hitting black again on the very next spin will remain the same despite this – 19 to 18.

Meanwhile, it is of equally great importance for players to understand that the spins in roulette are statistically related to a certain extent. While it is not impossible for Black to hit a thousand times in a row, this is highly unlikely to happen from statistical point of view. It all has to do with how much you play and how many outcomes are factored in.

This is called the Law of Large Numbers (also known as the Law of Averages) and it dictates that the frequencies of events, which have the same probability of occurring, tend to even out provided that enough trials are at hand. When it comes to probability, enough trials equals millions of times, though. Thus, if you play one million spins betting on Red/Black, roughly half of the time, you will get Red while the other half, you will hit Black. This will not be the case if you play only ten spins in roulette.

Some people tend to mistakenly use an insignificant number of trials to illustrate the Law of Averages, which is known as the Gambler’s Fallacy. For instance, one such person would win with an Odd number bet four times in a row which would lead them to believe they are supposed to bet on Even next time because an even number is “due” to come. They falsely assume the frequencies of Odd/Even outcomes have evened out. This is far from being true because each spin of the ball is an independent event and therefore, the actual probability of the Odd/Even outcomes will remain equal for the next spin and the spins to follow.

However, if that person bets on Odd/Even enough times (say one or two million times), the Law of Averages would have its say and the number of the two outcomes will become very close to equal, but not entirely, because of the additional zero pocket. Unfortunately, one will need quite a sizeable bankroll to undertake this experiment.

Biased Wheels

In landbased games of roulette, there are instances where players may come across what are called “biased” or “crooked” wheels. Such wheels are known to affect the randomness of the spins’ outcomes. This is to say certain numbers are more likely to be spun than others. In most cases, this bias results from a defect during the process of manufacturing. On occasions, the wheel may become biased as it wears out due to prolonged use.

It is possible to differentiate between two types of biased wheels. Some appear to favour specific individual numbers, while on others, the ball “prefers” entire sectors covering greater clusters of pockets. There are different factors which might contribute to a wheel displaying bias over time. This might be a result of uneven deceleration and greater tilt, damaged balls, dissimilarities in pocket size, damaged or high pocket frets, and even minute scratches on the pockets’ surface.

After several days of play on one such wheel, it is possible for players to detect the bias and attempt to use it to their advantage. That being said, it is worth mentioning that casino personnel also observes closely for these tendencies and such wheels are usually replaced immediately after a casino employee notices the defect.

Some players go as far as to accuse the house of cheating on purpose with biased wheels or even using hidden magnets to navigate where the ball lands. Both notions are nonsensical for a number of reasons, and the first one is that such defects are actually beneficial to players – the house is quick to get rid of these wheels as soon as their bias becomes apparent.

Second of all, if you happen to lose money at a rapid pace, you most likely are not cheated out of your profits by the casino but simply lack a proper understanding of the bet types in the game and adequate bankroll management. Finally, the notion of casinos using magnets to influence the course of the ball is indeed ludicrous for the simple reason the balls used in the game are actually plastic.

House Edge in the Game of Roulette

The house edge in online roulette coincides with that of the games played in brick-and-mortar gambling venues. Understanding the house edge is of essential importance for any successful roulette player, regardless of whether they are betting online or offline. In simpler terms, the house edge is the advantage the house or the casino holds over players. This is actually built in the payout percentages and in roulette, it is impossible to avoid or reduce, chiefly because this is a game of independent trials and players cannot predict the outcomes of the spins on the basis of previous results.

If you inspect the different types of bets in roulette and how much they return, you will notice there is a discrepancy between the payouts and the actual probability of winning with each bet type. For instance, the true odds of hitting any individual number amount to 36 to 1 in European roulette where there are 37 pockets and only one zero. The casino odds, however, are smaller as Straight bets return at a rate of 35 to 1.

The same applies to all other bets and their payouts. With outside bets like Red or Black, there are 18 ways to win out of 37, which corresponds to a probability of 46.37% because of the additional zero pocket that causes such wagers to lose. Despite that, players receive an even-money payout as if the chances of winning and losing with such bets are equal, while in fact the probability of losing exceeds that of succeeding and stands at 52.63%.

It becomes apparent the addition of the zero pocket on the roulette wheel is anything but a coincidence. On European, single-zero roulette wheels, this tiny green pocket accounts for a house edge of 2.70% which is to say on average, you will lose £2,70 per every £100 wagered. Meanwhile, the wheels in American roulette have an additional double-zero and 38 pockets overall. This almost doubles the house edge in this variation to 5.26% and players are generally recommended to avoid such games.

The house edge of all roulette bets is the same, the only exception being the Five Number bet, which is typical for the American variant and covers numbers 1, 2, 3, 0, and 00. This must be one of the absolute worst bets to make in a casino save for some bets in the game of craps which come with an even higher house edge. There are only five ways to win with this roulette bet as opposed to the 32 ways to lose. Yet, if you do happen to win, you will be paid out at casino odds of 6 to 1 which is ludicrous, to say the least. This corresponds to a house edge of 7.89% and suffices to explain why roulette experts consider placing the Five Number bet masochistic and a total waste of money.

Roulette House Edge
Roulette TypeHouse Edge /%/
French Roulette1.35 / 2.70
European Roulette2.70
American Roulette5.26 / 7.89

What are RNGs and How They Work?

The outcome of the spins in landbased roulette is sometimes influenced by physical factors such as the amount of force the dealer applies when tossing the ball, the friction, and the air resistance. In online roulette games, randomness and therefore, fairness, is ensured through the use of bespoke pieces of software, called Random Number Generators (RNGs).

It is important to mention these programmes are used to create what is known as “pseudo” randomness because there is no need for external input in order for them to generate any output. Output in this context is used synonymously to “outcome” or “result”. The software starts with an initial seed value as a reference point and then uses it to produce exceptionally long sequences of random numbers, based on series of complicated mathematical calculations or algorithms. Each long sequence of numbers itself becomes a seed and generates yet another sequence using the same algorithm as the first.

The interesting thing is that this elaborate piece of software never ceases to spurt out number sequences even when no one is there to play the game. Once a player loads a given game of online roulette, the outcome is pretty much determined the very instant they hit the spin button. It depends on the number that is generated at the precise moment when the button is clicked on. However, as this also sends the ball rotating around the virtual wheel, players are left with the deceptive impression the result is yet to be decided.

Random Number Generators are incapable of ensuring absolute randomness, but they create this impression due to the fact that the algorithms they use to generate the results are extremely complex and impossible to understand by laymen. However, if one manages to find a powerful enough computer and the necessary software, they may be able to accurately compute the sequence of numbers as long as they know the algorithm that is used and the initial seed number – the one it all started from. The downside is that such information is kept top secret by casinos to prevent people from exploiting the games as well as to ensure all players have equal chances of winning.

The RNG in Online Casino Roulette


Random Number Generators determine the outcomes of every single virtual casino game and roulette is hardly an exception to this rule. Unlike other casino games, roulette requires only one number per spin to be produced, therefore the work of the RNG there is far less complicated. The specifics of this game of chance require simplified output in order for the outcomes of the spins to be generated. Let us use the game of European roulette as an example, where the pockets on the wheel contain numbers 0 through 36.

To determine the random result, the piece of software is required to generate an integer between 0 and 36. This integer is generated on the basis of an input which could range between zero and a billion. For example, this could be a 32-bit number such as 2,356,548,475. This needs to be reduced to a simplified value corresponding to one of the pockets on the virtual wheel. The software would then reduce the long number to a shorter one using its complex algorithms.

Imagine the result is anything like 9.8543. This decimal will then be rounded up by the software to 10, which, in its turn, will be reduced by one unit in value in order to give it parity with the numbers, displayed on the wheel. Therefore, the winning number on this spin would be 9 Red.

Can Online Roulette Games be Rigged?

Since the RNG utilises formulae to generate outcomes, the question arises whether or not it is possible for casinos to rig the available games, roulette included, by messing with the algorithms. To be frank, it is possible for anyone to do so as long as they have a correct information about the algorithm and the initial seed, the one that was used to generate the very first long sequence of numbers. Without this information, it would not be possible to rig the games. More often than not, the software developers who have created the virtual roulette games are among the few blessed individuals who know what the seed number is.

In addition, messing with the games’ RNG is not in the interest of the online gambling operators themselves. If they are caught, and they most certainly will because the games are audited for fairness regularly, they risk having their licenses revoked, not to mention their reputation among players will be permanently damaged – and once that happens, there is no going back.

Fairness of Online Roulette RNGs

Online Casino Roulette Algorithm

Major software developers such as Playtech and Microgaming have created bespoke variants of online roulette and while these companies bear a certain degree of responsibility for their games’ testing, the auditing and verification of the Random Number Generators and the average player return percentages are performed by impartial testing agencies, the likes of eCOGRA and Technical Systems Testing (TST).

How To Always Win At Casino Roulette

The task of these external companies is to check whether the RNGs are rigged so as to favour certain cards, roulette numbers, or symbols on the slots’ reels. If the auditors establish no such bias exists, they will provide the online casino with a certificate to post on its website so that all players know the games on offer are fair and the outcomes are determined on the basis of a random principle. That is to say, all players who bet on a given roulette variant or video slot will have equal chances of winning.

The third-party testing agencies will also conduct tests to verify whether the payout percentages of the games are correct. From a player’s perspective, this is the most important statistics because it indicates how much money one can potentially collect over time per every 100 units they wager on a given game. In order to verify a game’s theoretical return, the agency would need its full set of rules whereby a team of professional mathematicians would perform various mathematical evaluations to obtain accurate results. Renowned casino operators would update the payout percentages of their games on a monthly basis so that both new and existing players can see what return they can expect from any given title in the gaming collection.

When searching for an online casino to play roulette at, players are recommended to first ensure they are registering with a licensed operator that is audited by a respected third-party organisation like TST or eCOGRA. This will enable them to enjoy their online roulette experience to the fullest and will give them the confidence they have just as much chance of hitting their lucky number as anyone else.